Thursday, July 21, 2011

Challenge #14 - Veggie Sushi

Original Recipe: Veggie sushi with rice
The No's: Rice
The Swap: Millet

I was at a meeting the other day and we took a brief break to go out and get food.  More than half the people came back with sushi.  I hadn't had sushi in months because of the rice.  The light bulb went off as I was inspired by the beautiful sushi surrounding me.  Millet, why not give it a try.  I had just experimented 2 weeks previous with the grain for veggie burgers. When you cook millet, it's sticky, at least the last 3 times I had made it, so why not try it as a rice substitute.  Someone saw me jot the idea down so I wouldn't forget and I think thought I might be out of my mind.  Well, I tried my idea tonight and Success!  Below is the recipe and some photos.  Now I have never made sushi before, so I also share with you attempt #1 and #2 at making a roll (tasted good, but um I wouldn't want to serve to guests!)  So before I went any further, I googled "how to make sushi rolls" and watched a video.  Ah what we we do without the internet.  I tried again and 3rd times a charm.  I could serve this to guests at a party with small adjustments for the next time I make this.
Nori Sheets
Cooked Millet
Nama Shoyu (raw soy sauce)
Any kind of veggies you like (I use zucchini, carrot, and peppers)
Step #1 - Soak Millet overnight, rinse and cook according to directions. I added some soy sauce for some extra flavor as I find millet a little plain
Cooked Millet with a splash of Soy sauce

Step#2- Layer millet on Nori Sheet (Note I made mine too thick, next time I will use less)
Nori with Millet
Step #3- Add veggies of your choosing.
Veggies added
Step #4- Roll.  I recommend watching a video online before doing this.  As you can see, I got much better after watching instructions online.  My sushi became presentable!
Delicious, but not pretty sushi attempts!
Delicious and presentable!
I added some ginger to the side.  I also had some soy sauce on the side for dipping.  As you can see my millet ratio is more than the veggies.  I am going to work on making the proportions more equal for the next time.  I feel like I can make this for a party.  Oh and the best part, it didn't take me very long to make the roll once I learned how.  Most of the work is in the prepping of the veggies, which could be done ahead of time.

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